Swop Shop

All past Swop Shop programmes can be found here.

Past Events

All past Swop Shop programmes can be found here.


Swop Shop - SYF Edition

Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation (SYF-AP) is a biannual affair for most and an annual situation for some. As drama educators in secondary and pre-tertiary schools, we know that the process is more important than the result. So how do you make the process meaningful and purposeful?

Swop Shop - Values In Action (CCA Edition)

Values in Action, or VIA, is a key student development experience in all MOE schools. How can we help our students design or develop their own performances/presentations that would help them contribute meaningfully to the community?

Swop Shop - The Accessible Classroom

The mainstream classroom has evolved over the years, and we have been made more aware of the neuroatypical learners found within it. With a neurodiverse classroom, how do we keep learners engagement strong, making learning more accessible to various accessibility needs?


Swop Shop #2 | Lower Secondary Edition

Join us for Swop Shop! Meet fellow drama educators and exchange a game or drama activity with one another. You will walk away with a whole host of activities, ideas, and pedagogical approaches to bring back to your classroom.

Swop Shop #3 | Pre-School Edition

Join us for Swop Shop! Meet fellow drama educators and exchange a game or drama activity with one another. You will walk away with a whole host of activities, ideas, and pedagogical approaches to bring back to your classroom.